Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Halloween... oh my.

WII had a party for all us interns. Actually, it turned into us just making political pumpkins and eating a lot of cookies. One thing I really enjoy is seeing the Swedish girls in the program get to experience American traditions for the first time. I don't think one of the girls had ever carved a pumpkin before so to see them being grossed out by the guts of the pumpkin was really entertaining.

Me and my friend Shuba made a Obama symbol pumpkin and we named him Barry. I was the carver while Shuba did the design. I have to say I am proud of my cutting skills. No blood was shed in the making of this pumpkin.

I was supposed to get dressed up fancy (not a costume, just nice clothes) and go out to Georgetown. Sadly, my body decided to come down with the 24 hour flu which had me laying in bed until Sunday. Fun times were not had... oh well. At least I got a sweet pumpkin out of the deal!

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