Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The places I have been

So this is more of a blog for me to just keep a running list of all the cool things I have seen and done in my semester out on the east coast.

Went to the top of the Washington Monument

Lincoln Memorial

Vietnam Memorial

Korean War Memorial

White House

Pentagon 9/11 Memorial

Jefferson Memorial

Paddle Boating on the basin in front of the Jefferson

National Zoo

Ate Sushi for the first time

Had my first Margarita

Niagara Falls


Wine Tasting

Jazz concert on the South Lawn of the Capital

In a hearing with John Kerry

World War II Memorial

Washington Nationals game

Went to a debate between McCain's and Obama's health advisers

Swing Dancing classes

Air and Space Museum
Natural History Museum
Holocaust Museum

National Gallery

1 comment:

JamieLan said...

Washington DC is beautiful isn't it? I loved my trip there last spring!